2005 슈즈 브랜드 SYNN 론칭
스토리가 있는 슈즈
Shoes with Stories
Each person has a story, and together they create shoes with meaning.
Cera — Mix ㅣ CEO: Tom
Business License: 000-00-00000
Communication Sales Business Report: 0000-Seoul-0000
Address: Seoul, Korea
CS: +82 (0)0-000-0000
(AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2,
Weedend and Holiday Off)
All Photo by ⓒ Tom Crew on Unsplash view
SYNN ㅣ CEO: Leeon Kim ㅣ Business License: 211-07-43893 ㅣ Certificate of Telecommunication Business Registration : 제 강남-12964호 ㅣ Address: Room no.603, 14, Hyoryeong-ro 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, CS: KAKAO TALK @ synnshoes (AM11 - PM5, Lunch PM12 - PM1, Weedend and Holiday Off)
All Photo by ⓒ SYNN on Unsplash view